
Archive for February, 2009

This player has a Blog in Japan.  She plays both the Japanese version and the English version.  I love this Blog because her screen caps are so well done.  You realize that there is an art to doing good captures when you see her work.


Here is an image of her character from the English Game…

Thanks Angie!

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Because there are many players from Japan in the game and because they are excellent players to travel with (experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable), here are some tips for communicating with them.

First greetings and partings are very important in Japan.  It’s a little rude to part with a Japanese player abruptly without a proper goodbye.  So please be sure to thank them for playing and say goodbye.  If you had fun, say so!  It’s become common for players to use online translators to play.  Here’s my favorite:


Here are some common PG terms.  Copy and paste them to use them if you want.

こんにちは Konnichiwa (means good afternoon)

こんばんは Konbanwa (means good evening)

おはようございます Ohayo Gozaimasu (good morning)

When you meet someone for the first time say,

はじめまして Hajimemashite (nice to meet you)

よろしく おねがいします Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu (something you say immediately after meeting someone, an indirect expression of respect)

If you want to invite someone to join you on an adventure to a specific tower (like Tower 4) say:

4 の 塔に行こう?  Yon no tou ni ikou?  (Do you want to go to Tower 4?)

一緒に行こう?  Ishyo ni ikou?  (Come with us or Come with me) It works for both

For rolling dice, say:

ふります Furimasu (I’ll roll)

Japanese players are careful to thank each other for dice rolls at the end of the tower

さいをありがとう Sai wo arigatou (Thanks for the dice)

In the tower after each roll you can simply say:

ありがとう arigatou (Thanks!)

If you want to praise a player for their skill you can simply say:

[their name]-さん すごくうまい [their name]-san wa sugoku umai  ([their name], you’re awesome!)

If you had fun playing say so:

楽しかったです Tanoshikatta desu (that was fun!)

To say goodbye:

またね Mata ne (See ya later)

Mata asobou ne またあそぼうね (let’s play together again sometime)

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pg_logo_blog1Players have been inquiring about Magic.  What follows is a simple description of the basics.

The Puppet Guardian Lottery: Gems

A Diamond Gem

A Diamond Gem

Lasting magic can only be acquired with Gems and finding a gem is a kind of lottery.  If you land in a field on the board where a Gem might potentially appear, there is a small chance that it will appear for you, approximately 1 in 100.

Books, Rods, and Staffs
But if you get lucky and find a gem you can have magic in the form of a book, staff, or rod. This magic is permanent and can be used repeatedly.  However it is limited like dice in that you can use it up and have to wait for 4 hours before the magic itself begins to regenerate.  Books can be synth’ed from multiple scrolls and a gem.

A Diamond Staff

A Diamond Staff

The rods and staffs are a little less powerful than the books but you can use them like weapons to strike your enemies, so they have a dual use quality.

It is possible to get a shot of magic through a scroll. For this you don’t need a gem and the scrolls are pretty easy to make, the main ingredient is “Pulp” from Flax.  But the scrolls are disposable, use them once and they are gone. Scrolls confer no magic points.

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They Beta version of Puppet Guardian was released late tonight.  Tomorrow we will continue a little more testing, then we will begin to promote the game to English speaking players.  Thanks again to the Japanese that continue to play.  We hope to see you over the next week or so as we alert gamers to this great new (for us) game.

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