
Archive for November 13th, 2010

For everyone who went to the Wacky Wednesday Costume Contest, I don’t have to tell you how great the costumes were. I did my best to preserve a few screenshots to show everyone who missed it, but they don’t show quite how amazing they were.

To explain the contest, the goal was to create the most wacky, funny and silly costume possible. Both the quality and number of costumes at the event were really impressive, especially since I know the timing wasn’t very good for a lot of you. At the in-game event everyone was lined up and given a chance to strut their stuff in front of the crowd to show off their costume.

To accommodate the many Asian players who couldn’t attend the event, the prizes were split between people who entered in-game and people who entered via the forums. In total 12 people entered via the forums and 25 people entered in-game. The prizes were handed out back and forth between in-game and forum winners, with the top prize going to the best overall between both categories.

There were three in-game winners and two forum winners, plus a raffle prize winner. The winners were as follows:

Lunatiq — 1st place overall — 1st place in-game winner — Rain Ring
moronsnail — 2nd place overall — 1st place forum winner — Stag Emblem
Mint — 3rd place overall — 2nd place in-game winner — Snake Vase
nutiki — 4th place overall — 2nd place forum winner — Fairy Robe
Chrissy — 5th place overall — 3rd place in-game winner — Fairy Headband
Raffle winner — Jrog — Helmet of the Underground

Keep your eyes peeled for the next event around the corner, Puppet Guardian’s First Thanksgiving. You had better start getting your cowboy, pilgrim and native american costumes ready. The event will be posted and announced here and on the Events board of the forums, so keep up with both of them to get all of the news.

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