
Archive for October 11th, 2010

So, we’ve had a few bullies scamming players in the castle. This is about to change. The idea of this game is to be a community. We are all working towards the same things TOGETHER, and yet, there are always a few players who try to take advantage of the game. I hope that as you are reading this, you have not been scammed or been a victim of flaming in the forum. And if you have, I hope that it has not spoiled your fun! However, you can now play with confidence that these events will be happening less. 

That’s because we have a new Senior Game Master who will be patrolling the forum and the castle and protecting Puppet Guardian’s fundamental values.

Meet Romtu: He has been playing this game almost since its English creation and plays with the right ideals. As a representative of the game, feel free to ask him things if you run into him, or report misdeeds. Keep an eye out for him on the forum, as he will be heading some in-game activities! As an active player, he will be able to relay key information to the game’s staff to make things easier and better for all the guardians.  And to encourage honest play,  he will help reduce the number of mules that are overrunning the game.  He is intelligent and fun and will be a terrific mediator between the people behind the scenes and you, the players!  Also, he will be choosing a team of deputies.  We have a list of volunteers from the forum, so stay tuned!

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