
Archive for October 18th, 2010

The recent fashion contest winner inspired me to look into the Gryphon. This ancient mythological beast, one of many you have to conquer in this game, is a combination of the two most noble animals, the lion and the eagle.  Both these animals are at the top of their respective chains because they are amazing hunters with keen skills. In order to beat this beast, you’ve got be just as skilled or more.  The third tower, where you will find this winged king, houses a jungle.  In the jungle there are leopards.  These leopards are always looking for a nice meal so don’t let them take a bite out of you and take away your life points.  You’ll need them all when you face the mighty Gryphon.  Take some healing items and bring friends.  Maybe that way you can avoid becoming Leopard food.

In some traditions, the Gryphon is an animal that embodies both the earthly and the divine. We can see how the game’s creators kept that in mind when designing their version of this menace. Coming at your from the air and from the ground, the Gryphon is a hard one to beat but that’s ok because learning to fight this monster is excellent training for things, scary things, to come in the succeeding towers.

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