
Archive for October 14th, 2010


Many of the ideas in my posts that speak of “traditional symbolism” are backed by a few books in my library.  Credit must be given where it is due! Check back up on this post, as it will act as my working bibliography.

Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Copyright 1949 by Bollingen Foundation Inc. New York, N.Y. Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 1972

Joseph Campbell was a researcher, writer and teacher of Mythology. He lived a long life devoted to revealing the similarities between world religions, as well as regional folklore, spanning though history and cultures.

Chevalier, Jean; Gheerbrant, Alain. Translated by Buchanan-Brown, John, 1994. Penguin Reference: The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols. Copyright, Paris, 1982. Published by Blackwell Publishers, Great Britain, 1994.

Jean Cheavalier and Alain Gheerbrant were authors, world travellers and historians. Their accumulative knowledge provides for a fantastic reference book in the field of traditional symbolism.

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